Music Program for Adults with Physical Disabilities in Haderslev Municipality
Would you like to play music and meet new people
Haderslev Music School is now offering an exciting new music program for adults with physical disabilities. The Paraglide program is designed for those who wish to explore their musical talents in a safe, accessable and inclusive environment where the focus is not only on music but also on creating a sense of community and wellbeing.
Who can join
This program is available to all adults (16+) who experience physical challenges such as mobility limitations, neurological conditions, long term injuries and other disabilities that make it difficult to participate in traditional music activities. You are not required to have a handicap parking-pass (parkeringkort), companion-pass (ledsagerkort).
Regardless of your experience level, there’s a place for you!
What can you expect
- Become part of Haderslevs vibrant music community.
- Meet other disabled musicians and play together.
- Learn to play instruments, sing, and understand music.
- Participate in social events and musical outings.
- Help with personal transportation and companions.
- Help with moving and set up of instruments and equipment
Why should you join
Music is more than just notes and rhythms – it’s a gateway to community and joy. Paraglide aims to remove the barriers faced by disabled musicians and those that want to play, sing and perform together. The benefits of playing music are well documented and considered as highly effective in improving mental and social well-being. Pararglide offers a totally unique opportunity to express your musical creativity and become part of the local music community.
Practical Information
We collaborate with the local music community, professionals such as physiotherapists and qualified music-teachers, to ensure that all participants receive the right support. The program is continuously adapted to meet your needs so that together we create the best possible environment for music and community.
Contact Haderslev Music School for more information on how you can become part of this unique program. We look forward to welcoming you!
To register your interest in the program please click and fill out the questionnaire below.